Sunday, September 6, 2009

What I like!

I want to introduce what I like such as movie, singer, etc.
In about two years ago, I watched Nodame Kantaville, which is a Japanese drama.
It's great drama to watch, and I want to recommend you to watch it.
Oh! i forgot to mention the movie, Midnight Sun, which came out in 2006!
I watched it three days ago, and I really loved it. And the main character in the movie is the
singer, YUI, whom I really like.
If you have time, try to watch those because I know that you won't regret for spending your time on them!


アルコンセル said...

Nodame Cantabile is one of my favorite J-dramas! It's so funny, and I love the music. x) It also inspired me to start practicing piano again, haha.
I've also seen the movie you mentioned, たいよう の うた with YUI in it! She's one of my favorite female singers, too. x) She has such a pretty voice!

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